Wednesday, November 6, 2013

November 6

Vocab. #11

  1. Socratic Seminar/Discussion:
Central Question: Why is Persepolis worth reading? Why should it be taught in 10th grade World Literature?
  • Is it possible for the government to control people?
  • It is a person's duty to fight for justice.
  • Violence is never acceptable.
  • Some women choose to wear the veil while others find it oppressive. How does Marji's family experience the veil? What is your opinion of the Islamic dress code and how it is enforced?
  • Marji is patriotic and proud of her country's history. Why does she value her country even after the abuses the people suffered first from the Shah and then from the Islamic fundamentalist leaders?
  • Why do some societies fall prey to the abuses of an oppressive government? What should happen in society to avoid oppression?
  • What is the importance of protest/revolution?

  1. Message from CEO Regarding Persepolis

HW: Update Socratic Seminar/Discussion Notes
Fill in “Personal/Historic Examples” Column
Prepare for Tomorrow’s In-Class Essay

Lord of the Flies:
  1. Work with Chapter 6
  1. Begin Tracking Symbolism in novel
  2. Start Reading Chapter 7

HW: Finish Reading Ch. 7/ Dialectical Journals w/ Types of Questioning

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